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Society Registration in India

Your Path to Effortless Society Registration in India

From preparing a detailed Memorandum of Association to effortlessly filing your application, we ensure your society’s legal incorporation is swift, efficient and hassle-free.

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    A Society in India is a non-profit organisation that is founded by a group of individuals who come together to promote charitable, literary, scientific, or any other socially useful goals. Societies can also be formed to promote other beneficial goals that have a positive social impact and contribute to the welfare and good of the community.. In order to officially incorporate a society, its registration is compulsory under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. In India, the formation, administration, and dissolution of societies are all governed by the provisions of this act. It provides a comprehensive legal framework for the entire process, ensuring proper regulation and compliance.

    Registration Process

    1. Name Selection: The name should not be similar or identical to a currently registered society as per Societies Registration Act, 1860. Moreover, the proposed name should not attract the provisions of Emblem & Names Act, 1950.
    1. Memorandum of Association (MoA): Then the second thing that needs to be done is to draft a Memorandum of Association, often known as a MoA. This document explains the rules and regulations of the society as well as its goals. Details such as the name of the society, its registered office address, aims, governing body structure, membership qualifications, and other relevant information need to be included in the Memorandum of Association.
    1. Managing Committee or Governing Body: A society ought to have either a managing committee or a governing body that is responsible for managing its affairs. The roles of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other office bearers are often held by members of the governing body, who are members of the society and are either elected or selected by the members of the organisation.
    1. Application for Registration: After the Memorandum of Association has been prepared, an application for registration needs to be filed to the Registrar of Societies. Copies of the Memorandum of Association, rules and regulations, a list of members of the governing body, and any other necessary documents should be included in the application.
    1. Documentation: Along with the application, certain documents are necessary, such as proof of address for the registered office, a statement by the members proclaiming their association, and an affidavit by the President or Secretary of the society. All of these documents must be submitted before the application can be processed.
    1. Fees & Stamp Duty: The application for society registration must be accompanied by the necessary registration fees and stamp duty in accordance with the legislation that are relevant for the state in question.
    1. Approval and Registration: Once the application has been submitted, the Registrar of Societies will check the documents and verify the information that was provided to them. The Registrar will give a Certificate of Registration to the applicant in the event that the application is complete and satisfies the requirements. This certificate acts as evidence that the society is permitted to exist under the respective law.
    1. Compliance After Registration: Once a society has been registered, it is required to comply with some ongoing requirements, such as keeping accurate books of accounts, filing yearly returns, holding general body meetings, and ensuring that its operations are transparent.


    Legal recognition, tax exemptions, access to grants and funding, the capacity to enter into contracts and hold property in the name of the society and these are just some of the many perks that come with registering a society. In addition to this, it lays the groundwork for the organization’s internal governance and accountability structures.

    1. Recognition Under the Law: The organisation receives recognition under the law after it has been registered as a society. It establishes the society as a separate legal entity with its own identity, granting it the ability to engage into contracts, hold property, sue or be sued in its own name, and enter into contracts.
    1. Perpetual Existence: This is a benefit that comes with having a registered society. Regardless of a member passes away, retires, or leaves the organisation, there is no impact on the Society because of this. This assures that the society will continue to work towards its goals and engage in its activities.
    1. Status as a Charity or Non-Profit Organisation: In general, charitable and non-profit organisations are considered to be registered societies. Because of their standing, they are able to participate in endeavours that further social benefit, good, welfare, education, religion, culture, or any other socially good goals.
    1. Tax Exemptions: According to the Income Tax Act of 1961, registered societies could be qualified for several tax exemptions. Donations made to registered societies may qualify the contributors to receive tax deductions, and the societies themselves may be eligible for tax benefits related to their income and property.
    1. Access to Grants and Funding: Registered societies generally get access to monetary help from a variety of sources, including corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds, charity foundations, and government grants. In order to qualify for funds from many different funding agencies, organisations must first be registered in accordance with the Societies Registration Act.
    1. Credibility and Trustworthiness: Society registration contributes to the organization’s increased credibility and trustworthiness. Donors, members, and other stakeholders receive the assurance they need, that the society is governed by a predetermined set of rules, regulations, and goals, that it is devoted to carrying out the social mission for which it was founded.
    1. Simple Management and Governance: All registered societies are expected to have either a governing board or a managing committee in order to monitor and control their day-to-day business activities. This framework contributes to more effective decision-making, management, and greater accountability of the Society., and more effective management of the activities of the society.
    1. Recognition and Support from the Public: Society registration makes it possible for organisations to receive recognition and support from the public, as well as from other institutions and governmental entities. It raises the society’s profile in the public eye and improves its reputation, both of which can result in more collaborations, partnerships, and overall engagement in the organization’s operations.
    1. Transfer of Assets: A legally recognised procedure can be utilised for the purpose of transferring a registered society’s assets. This makes it easier to transfer property or other assets in a seamless manner, which is necessary for the continuance of the society’s activities, leadership transitions, andr other operational purposes.

    What is included in this

    Ascertain Eligibility Criteria
    Documents preparations and guidance
    Society Registration
    Coordinating with the department.
    24*7 assistance


    Under Indian law, a society is a non-profit organisation that is founded by a group of individuals who gather together to promote charitable, literary, scientific, or any other socially good goals. These individuals come together to form the society. The Societies Registration Act of 1860 is the legislation that governs societies in India.

    In India, a society can be registered by any group of people who have a shared goal and want to work towards the betterment or welfare of society.  When attempting to establish a new society, it is customarily necessary to have a minimum of seven members.

    The memorandum of association, rules and regulations, evidence of address for the registered office, a list of governing body members, and an affidavit from the President or Secretary of the society are the documents that are necessary for society registration. Depending on the regulations of the state, you may be asked to submit additional documentation.

    A society that is only registered in one state in India can conduct business in other states if they so choose. On the other hand, it is possible that the Society will be required to comply with extra rules and regulations that are peculiar to the states in which it conducts business.

    The answer to your question is “yes,” it is required for a registered society to have either a governing body or a managing committee that is in charge of managing the society’s affairs. Positions such as President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other office bearers are included in the governing body, which is comprised of individuals who are often elected or chosen by the members of the organisation.

    The answer is yes; registered societies are required to fulfil certain continuous obligations, such as keeping accurate books of accounts, submitting yearly returns, convening meetings of the general body, and ensuring that their business practises are transparent. They may also be required to comply with duties relating to taxes as well as any other regulations that are applicable to the activities that they engage in.

    The answer to this question is yes; a society can be transformed into a new type of legal entity, such as a trust or a company, provided that this transformation complies with the laws that are currently in effect. The process of conversion entails adhering to the required processes and gaining the requisite authorization from the authorities who are in charge of the matter.

    The answer to this question is yes; nevertheless, registered societies are required to comply with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 (FCRA) in order to be able to accept foreign contributions. In order for them to be eligible to collect foreign contributions, they must first seek prior approval or register under the FCRA.

    The answer to your question is yes; the name of a registered organisation can be altered. The steps involved in altering the name, as well as the standards that must be met, could be different depending upon the state in which the society is registered. In most cases, changing a company’s name necessitates obtaining permission from the Registrar of Societies.

    Registration of a society will ensure that it is being run legally with discipline. It will help in getting credibility and smoothly disseminating the purpose for which it has been created.