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ISO Registration

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification

LegalDelight provides ISO Certification services, including consultation, documentation, process implementation and coordination with certification bodies, ensuring a smooth and efficient certification process.

Price Starts @ Rs 3,999/-*

* Exclude Govt. Fee, if any .

    Great Service! Great Price!


    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops and publishes international standards to ensure the quality, safety, efficiency, and interoperability of products and services. ISO registration involves an organization undergoing an assessment to verify that its processes, products, or services meet these international standards. This certification is essential for demonstrating commitment to quality and continuous improvement, enhancing customer satisfaction, and gaining a competitive edge in the market. ISO certification can also open up new business opportunities, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. ISO creates a wide range of international standards that define best practices for everything from manufacturing processes to environmental management.  ISO registration signifies that an organization has been audited and verified to meet these rigorous standards. This registration isn’t mandatory, but it’s highly sought after for several reasons.  Firstly, it demonstrates a company’s commitment to quality and efficiency, which can boost customer confidence and brand reputation.  Secondly, ISO standards can streamline operations, leading to reduced waste and cost savings.  Finally, in a globalized market, ISO registration acts as a common language, allowing companies to easily demonstrate their adherence to international benchmarks, facilitating trade and collaboration.

    Benefits of ISO Certification

    1. Improved Customer Satisfaction: By following ISO standards, you can streamline your processes, reduce errors, and ensure consistent product and service quality. This translates to a better customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
    2. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings: ISO standards encourage organizations to identify and eliminate inefficiencies in their operations. This can lead to cost savings through reduced waste, improved resource management, and streamlined processes.
    3. Reduced Risk and Improved Safety: Certain ISO standards, like ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety, help organizations identify and mitigate potential risks in their workplaces. This can lead to a safer working environment for employees and reduced liability for the company.
    4. Global Market Access: ISO registration is recognized worldwide. This can open doors to new markets and business opportunities by demonstrating your commitment to international benchmarks and quality standards.

    Common Types of ISO Certification

    1. ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
    2. ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
    3. ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
    4. ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)
    5. ISO 20000-1: Information Technology Service Management (ITSM)
    6. ISO 22301: Societal Security – Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
    7. ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems
    8. ISO 26000: Social Responsibility

    Documents Required for ISO Certification

    The specific documents required for ISO Certification can vary depending on the ISO standard and certification body. However, here is a general list of documents commonly needed for ISO Certification:
    1. Quality Policy;
    2. Quality Manual;
    3. Procedures;
    4. Records;
    5. Work Instructions;
    6. Policy and Objectives;
    7. Organizational Structure and Responsibilities;
    8. Risk Management Plan;
    9. Management Review Records;
    10. Monitoring and Measurement Records;
    11. Internal Audit Reports;
    12. Training Records;
    13. Customer Feedback and Complaint Records;
    14. Legal and Regulatory Compliance Records;
    15. Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan and
    16. Any other specific documents required by the ISO Standard

    Procedure for ISO Certification

    1. Identification: Here, we have to first determine the kind of ISO certification required.
    2. Gap Analysis (Optional): LegalDelight can assist you with a gap analysis. We will assess your current practices against the chosen ISO standard’s requirements. This identifies areas needing improvement to achieve compliance.
    3. Management System: The core of achieving ISO certification involves establishing a documented management system that aligns with the chosen standard. LegalDelight can guide you through this process, helping you develop policies, procedures, and processes that meet the standard’s requirements. Then, implement the ISO management system throughout the organization, ensuring processes meet ISO standards.
    4. Internal Audits: Once the management system has been implemented, conduct internal audits to assess its effectiveness and identify any areas for improvement. It helps in ensuring that the system functions properly before external audit is done.
    5. Certification Body: Choosing an accredited certification body authorized to conduct audits against the specific ISO standard you are pursuing is crucial. LegalDelight will assist in conducting research into reputation, experience, and associated costs.
    6. Stage 1 Audit: The chosen certification body conducts a preliminary audit to evaluate your management system documentation and assess your inclination for the full certification audit.
      • Corrective Actions (if necessary): If any non-conformity in your system has come to light, it can be revised through corrective actions. LegalDelight can help you with this process, advising on revising documentation or implementing corrective procedures.
    7. Stage 2 Audit: Stage 2 audit is a comprehensive audit conducted by the certification body to assess your entire management system in action. They will interview employees, observe your processes and review records to ensure compliance with the ISO standard.
    8. Certification: Based on the audit findings, the certification body will decide whether to grant certification. Certification body might request corrective actions for minor non-conformities, or withhold certification for major issues.
    9. Surveillance Audits: After successful certification, the certification body conducts regular surveillance audits to ensure your organization continues to abide by the ISO standards. It might involve annual or bi-annual audits.

    What is included in this

    ISO Consultation
    Documentation Preparation
    Implement Support
    Internal Audit Preparation
    Audit Support
    Gap Analysis
    Management Review Preparation
    Compliance Assistance
    Continuous Improvement
    Customized Training
    Documentation Review
    Risk Management
    Coordination with Certification Body
    Legal Compliance
    24/7 assistance


    ISO Certification is a formal recognition that an organization has met the requirements of international standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It shows the commitment of an organization for quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

    ISO Certification lasts for three years. The certification expires if the organization does not undergo re-certification audit.

    Steps include conducting internal audits, addressing non-conformities, documenting procedures, training staff, ensuring readiness for Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits, and facilitating auditor access to necessary documents and personnel.

    ISO Certification is important because it enhances credibility, improves operational efficiency, opens up new business opportunities, ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, and enhances customer satisfaction.

    Yes, ISO Certification can be revoked if an organization fails to maintain compliance with ISO standards during surveillance audits or if significant non-conformities are identified and not corrected within specified timelines.

    ISO certification is issued by accredited certification bodies. These are recognised and authorized to conduct ISO assessments.

    Yes, ISO certifications can be renewed through a re-certification process.

    Remote audits are conducted online by meeting software such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype or Go2Meeting.

    Firstly, it’s worth noting that remote audits will feel different to physical audits.  Your account manager will run through the process in more detail bit the key points to remember are:

    • Assessors may need to split the time between speaking with you on the call and reviewing evidence whilst ‘offline’.
    • You will still have an opening and closing meeting and we will therefore need contact details of all attendees to ensure they are able to access the meeting.