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Startup Registration

Expert Support for DPIIT Startup Registration

Experience hassle-free startup registration with our expert compliance services. Unlock tax advantages, financing support and streamlined procedures under DPIIT registration, propelling your entrepreneurial journey with confidence.
Price Starts @ Rs 3,999/-*

* Exclude DSC & Pitch Deck Fee .

    Great Service! Great Price!


    The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), previously known as the DIPP, is responsible for promoting and regulating industrial growth, foreign investment, and internal commerce in India. The DPIIT Startup registration, also known as Startup Recognition or Startup India registration, is an optional procedure designed to offer numerous benefits and support to eligible startups in India. Startups that meet the government’s criteria can apply for registration and enjoy various incentives. For entrepreneurs, planning a business idea might seem straightforward, but bringing it to legal existence can be challenging due to government compliance requirements. In India, it is crucial to register your business under government records to operate without restrictions. Understanding the basics of business incorporation and registration, including what a company is, how it works, and the various forms of business that can be incorporated, is essential for every entrepreneur.

    Essentials with DPIIT Startup Registration

    1. Eligibility Criteria A startup must satisfy specific requirements, such as being registered in India as a private limited company, partnership business, or limited liability partnership (LLP), in order to be eligible for DPIIT Startup registration. The startup should also have a turnover that doesn’t surpass a certain amount and have been in existence for less than 10 years from the date of incorporation.
    2. Benefits and Support: DPIIT Startup Registration grants entrepreneurs a number of advantages and supports, including simpler access to capital, tax advantages, lenient compliance standards, expedited processing of patent applications, and participation in several government programmes and projects. These advantages are meant to provide an atmosphere that is favourable for startups and to promote entrepreneurship.
    3. Registration Procedure: To register, a startup must fill out an online application at and include pertinent information about the startup, its founders, and its business plan. Certain files, including the Certificate of Incorporation, must be uploaded with the application.
    4. Recognition and Certificate: The startup is given recognition as a DPIIT-registered startup when the application has been verified successfully. The government issues the startup with a certificate of recognition, which demonstrates their startup status and establishes their eligibility for the advantages and assistance offered.
    5. Post-Registration Compliance: After DPIIT Startup registration, the startup must adhere to the conditions and commitments outlined by the state. This entails submitting recurring self-certifications of conformity with the rules’ requirements as well as periodic updates and reports to the appropriate authorities.


    1. Tax Advantages: Startups registered under the Startup India programme are eligible for a number of tax breaks and exemptions. These include, subject to stipulations, a three-year income tax exemption for qualified startups. Any three consecutive years within the first 10 years of organisation are eligible for the exemption.
    2. Faster Patent Examination: By choosing expedited examination, startups may speed the review of their patent applications. This gives entrepreneurs a competitive edge, shortens the time it takes to approve patents, and protects their original ideas.
    3. Support for Financing: Registered startups have easier access to a number of government programmes, funds, and initiatives designed to offer financial assistance. They can profit from the Credit Guarantee Fund for Startups, take part in government-funded incubator programmes, and have access to finance through the Fund of Funds system.
    4. Eased Compliance Standards: Startups get eased compliance standards throughout their first several years of business thanks to regulatory support. They have the freedom to verify their own adherence to certain labour and environmental rules. This lessens the burden of regulation and enables entrepreneurs to concentrate on their main business operations.
    5. Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration: Startup India offers a forum for entrepreneurs to engage with possible investors, mentors, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders. This makes it easier to share expertise, form business alliances, and have access to mentorship and advice.
    6. Benefits of Government Procurement: Startups registered with Startup India are qualified to take part in government bids and purchases. They can bid against one another for government contracts, which might significantly increase their company and earnings.
    7. Exposure and Recognition Abroad: Registered startups have the chance to present their goods and services on a number of national and international venues. To increase awareness, draw investors, and investigate prospective business partnerships, they might take part in startup activities like conferences, exhibits, and trade shows.
    8. Simplified Winding-up Procedures: Faster and more effective winding-up of operations in the event of failure is made possible by the insolvency and bankruptcy procedure for startups being made more startup-friendly.

    It’s crucial to remember that depending on the policies and programmes the government is implementing at any particular moment, the advantages and incentives offered may change. For the most precise and recent information on the advantages connected with DPIIT Startup Registration, it is advised to check the official Startup India webpage or appropriate authorities.

    Key Characters of Start up

    1. Innovation: Startups are renowned for their emphasis on innovation and the introduction of fresh concepts, goods, or services that offer the market something novel or disruptive. They frequently use cutting-edge technology or novel business structures to address issues or fill needs that go unfulfilled.
    2. Scalability: Startups have a great deal of room to develop and expand. They frequently target national or international markets in an effort to rapidly grow their business and attract a sizable consumer base. The objective is to experience quick growth and establish themselves as a major force in their sector.
    3. External Funding: Startups often need outside capital to support their expansion and development. They could look for funding from venture capitalists or angel investors, or they might join incubators or accelerators for new businesses. Research & development, marketing, employing people, and expanding operations all require funding.
    4. Potential for Disruption: By bringing cutting-edge products or business strategies, startups sometimes seek to disrupt established markets or sectors. By providing better goods or services, more productivity, or lower costs, they compete with incumbent companies and open up new market opportunities.

    What is included in this

    Documents preparations
    DPIIT Start up Registration Certificate
    Coordinating with the department
    Assist in Mandatory Taxation and Statutory Compliances
    24/7 Support


    DPIIT Startup Registration, which is also called Startup Recognition or Startup India registration, is a way for startups in India to sign up for the government’s Startup India programme. It makes it possible for startups that qualify to get help and perks from the government.

    A company must meet the following requirements to be qualified for DPIIT company Registration: (a) It should be set up as a private limited business, partnership firm, or limited liability partnership (LLP) in India. (b) It shouldn’t have been running for more than ten years after it was founded. (c) Its annual sales can’t be more than a certain amount, which right now is INR 100 crore.

    You can use the Startup India site ( to apply for DPIIT Startup Registration. Startups need to make an account on the portal, give the required information about the company, its founders, and its business plan, and share the necessary papers.

    For DPIIT Startup Registration, you need the Certificate of Incorporation/Registration, a description of the business, information about the directors/partners, proof of turnover, Authorisation letter of the authorised representative of the company, LLP or partnership firm, Proof of concept like pitch deck/website link/video (in case of a validation/ early traction/scaling stage startup), Patent and trademark details, if any, List of awards or certificates of recognition, if any  and, if you have one, a recommendation letter from an incubator, accelerator, or recognised industry association.

    There are many benefits to DPIIT Startup Registration, such as tax breaks, faster patent review, access to funds and government programmes, fewer rules to follow, chances to network, and recognition on national and foreign platforms. The goal of these perks is to help companies in India grow and get better.

    You don’t have to register your startup with DPIIT mandatorily. Startups can choose whether or not to go through with this process. But registering makes it possible for startups to take advantage of the perks and help offered by the Startup India programme.

    Yes, a business that already exists can apply for DPIIT Startup Registration as long as it meets the other requirements. The startup should meet the requirements for the number of years it has been in business and the amount of money it makes. It should also be set up as a private limited company, partnership firm, or limited liability partnership (LLP).

    The DPIIT Startup Registration is good for ten years from the date that the startup was formed. But it’s important to know that the government could change the perks and incentives offered through the Startup India programme at any time.

    Startup incubators are typically institutions that help entrepreneurs by developing their business, especially in the initial stages. The incubation function is usually carried out by institutions that have experience in the business and the tech world.

    Startup accelerators support early-stage, growth-driven companies. These programmes usually have a timeframe in which individual companies spend anywhere between a few weeks and a few months working with a group of mentors who are educated and may also provide financial help.

    Once the application is complete, and the startup gets recognised, you will receive a system-generated certificate of recognition. You will be able to download this certificate from the Startup India portal.