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Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration: Establishing Your Distinct Brand Identity

Strengthen brand recognition, reputation and consumer trust through robust trademark registration. Protect your brand from copying and foster customer loyalty by securing your unique identity.

Price Starts @ Rs 1,999/-*

* Excluding Govt. Fees & Stamp Paper Charges

    Great Service! Great Price!


    A trademark is a mark, symbol, word, recognizable sign, phrase, design, or a combination thereof which create a visual identity of a business and that distinguishes and identifies the goods or services of one company from those of others. Trademark in India is a distinct identity that helps consumers identify and differentiate products or services in the society. A strong trademark helps build brand recognition, reputation and consumer trust.

    Once a trademark is registered, it helps the customer to recognise the product or service and it also prevent competitors from being copying it. This protection enables the trademark owner to prevent others from using a similar or confusingly similar mark that may lead to consumer confusion or dilution of their brand.

    Trademark symbol (TM) is used when application for trademark is filed and Trademark symbol (R) is used when trademark applied application is registered.

    What Can Be Trademarked

    Trademark is a brand, slogan or a logo. A brand name can be a word or a combination of words. A slogan is a short phrase and a logo is an attractive picture or a symbol. To register the trademark, one need to file the trademark registration online application.

    While registering trademark certain points need to be taken care such as

    • Arbitrary words – The word must have a relation with the product.
    • Suggestive marks – The marks should specify the attribute of the product.
    • Avoid generic words – Trademark does not contain words such as ‘color name’, ‘nationality’, ‘Plethora’ of others.
    • Avoid purely descriptive words – Words which describes the nature or quality or services of the goods.


    1. Exclusive: Trademark registration provide exclusivity to use the mark in connection with its product and/ or services and it also provide legal protection from being mis-used.
    2. Goodwill: it helps in brand recognition and gain trust among the public.
    3. Promotional Tool: It is a vital tool in promotion of a brand as sooner or later public start recognising your product or services.
    4. Assets Creation: Once trademark is registered, it become intangible asset of the organisation or person and can be saleable in market.
    5. Legal Protection: it helps to protect the brand name. Registered trademark user is entitled to stop other person from mis-using it and registered trademark user may file suit also in the court of law.

    Requirements and Procedure for Trademark Registration

    1. Trademark Search
    Before filing for a trademark, a preliminary search is necessary. This involves checking for:
    • Logo Appropriateness: Ensure the logo matches the product.
    • Clarity: The logo should be clear and not confusing.
    • Trademark Infringement: Avoid conflicts with existing trademarks.
    • Objections: Check for potential objections from the registry.
    Trademark searches can be conducted based on:
    • Word Search
    • Device Mark Search
    1. File Trademark Application
    To file a trademark application, you must pay a government fee. There are three types of trademark applications:
    • Ordinary Trademark Application: For a single class of goods or services.
    • Multiclass Trademark Application: For multiple classes of goods or services.
    • Convention/Priority Trademark Application: Based on priority claims.
    1. Filing Form TM
    When filing a trademark application, provide relevant details such as:
    • Name
    • Type of Applicant
    • Address of Applicant
    • The class(es) of the Trademark
    1. Issue of Examination Report
    The trademark registry generates an examination report, which is available online. The report indicates whether the trademark is accepted.
    1. Trademark Publication Process
    Trademark publication involves several stages: filing, examination, publication, opposition, registration, and renewal.
    • Filing: Submit an application for single or multiple classes.
    • Examination: The application is reviewed under the Trademark Act.
    • Publication: Once accepted, the application is published in the Trademark Journal.
    • Opposition: Opposition to registration can be filed within 4 months of publication.
    • Registration and Renewal: If no opposition is filed, the trademark is registered for 10 years and can be renewed every ten years.
    1. Trademark Opposition
    Anyone can file a notice of opposition within four months of the publication date, along with supporting evidence.
    1. Trademark Registration ®
    A trademark is registered for 10 years from the date of application. After filing and payment, the trademark is examined and published. If there is no opposition, it will be registered.
    1. Trademark Renewal
    Under the Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999, a trademark is valid for ten years and must be renewed periodically. Renewal can continue indefinitely with payment of renewal fees.
    1. Trademark Restoration
    If a trademark is removed from the register, it can be restored by applying within six months to one year from the expiration date.
    1. Trademark Removal
    Section 47 of the Indian Trademark Act allows removal if a trademark is not used for five continuous years and three months from the registration date.
    1. Trademark Rectification
    Rectification can correct errors in trademark registration under Section 57 of the Indian Trade Mark Act:
    1. Lack of sufficient cause for registration.
    2. Non-payment of renewal fees.
    3. Non-use for over five years.
    1. Trademark Protection
    Only one company can register a trademark if two have similar symbols/designs. Under Section 29 of the Trademark Act, 1999, unauthorized use of a registered trademark leads to infringement action.
    1. Trademark Infringement
    Under Section 49 of the Act, infringement actions can be taken if the trademark is used without authorization. Unregistered trademarks have no rights for infringement.
    1. Trademark Classification
    Trademark applications can be filed in multiple classes, each representing a set of goods and services. It’s essential to select the correct class using a trademark class finder tool to avoid registration issues.

    What is included in this

    Filing Trademark Application
    Free expert advice
    Regular updates
    Trade Mark Search
    24*7 mail support

    Initial Documents Required

    Applicant Name
    Business type and nature
    Business objective
    Brand Name
    Registered Address Proof
    Identity Proof


    Trademark registration provide protection to the brand identity and provide exclusive right to use the mark in relation with good or services.

    No. Registration of a trademark is not compulsory. However, the registration is the prima facie evidence of the proprietorship of the trademark under registration. However, it is to be noted that no suit can be instituted for the infringement of unregistered trademarks. For unregistered marks, action can be brought against any person for passing off goods or services as the goods of another person or as services provided by another person.

    Yes, the filed mark is allowed to be amended as per the provision of Section 22 of the Trademarks Act, which allows the amendment of the mark provided it does not amount to a substantial change in the character of the mark as such. Any superficial or insignificant character or feature of the said mark is allowed to be amended if a request is filed in the prescribed format along with 16 copies of the amended label mark.

    Yes, Trademark is registered for 10 years and thereafter, the same can be renewed before expiry of the period for a further period of 10 years.

    After filing an application with the trademark authority, person or organisation is entitled to use the word TM.

    A mark is considered to be a registered trademark when the same is published by the trademark authority in its official journal and certificate is issued.

    There is no fixed time period for registration of trademark. Time period for registration of trademark vary from case to case and depend upon the work load at trademark authority part.

    When the trademark application is filed, the user may use the symbol TM and when the trademark application filed is registered before the trademark authority, the user may use the symbol R.





    In case of Individual, Small Enterprise , Start-up Entity

    Rs. 5,000/-

    Rs. 4,500/-

    In all other cases (Note: Fee is for each class and for each mark )

    Rs. 10,000/-

    Rs. 9,000/-